Erin Eggenburg's Mending Blog — embroidery
Darn Confused? 4 Ways to Darn a Hole
clothing repair darn diy embroidery mending visible mending

In previous blogs, I’ve told you about darning needles, and also about choosing yarn for your darning project. Now, let’s talk about darning styles or techniques. How do you decide which mending technique to use?
It is (almost) always the case that there are several different ways to approach any mending project. Today, I’ll share several darning techniques, the level of difficulty, and how long you can expect each darn to take.
5 Embroidery Stitches to Know
clothing repair embroidery how to mending tutorial upcycle visible mending

If you are just learning how to embroider, there are 5 stitches that will get you started embroidering right now! Watch this video tutorial for a quick tutorial!
I love using embroidery as a way to mend over stains and tears in clothing. It can also be a fun way to update or add a little something special to an otherwise drab garment.